Hope India Conclave and Guru Swarup Srivastava Find India Going Good in Every Aspect of Economy

The crisis is not yet over. The effect of the pandemic is quite visible across the globe. The econom y of most of the European countries and the USA showing every sign of recession, yet the Indian economy is in shape. The Hope India Conclave organized by the Corporate Council for Leadership and Awareness in the Hotel Bhavna Colours awarded some of the stars of the Indian corporate world. Guru Swarup Srivastava and several other industry leaders placed their opinions in that conclave. It was a rare occasion when top industry leaders and renowned media personalities discussed different economic issues of the world and India. Some vital points came out of that discussion. Guru Swarup asked to learn from Ants Indian economy is doing well even in this pandemic condition. Several sectors have been showing swift recovery or have not been affected much. The hotel industry has indeed been affected to some extent; industry leaders hope that would be recovered soon. On that occasion,...